Project Stories


XRPL.Agency LLC-img
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain piqued my interest, leading me to join XRPL.Agency and work on It was my first project and job outside of Austria. The 9-hour time difference was sometimes tough but manageable. XRPL Coins is a community-driven marketplace with the main goal of making the XRPL Ledger more accessible to everyone. They offer all-in-one solutions for projects and participants who interact with XRPL. My tasks at XRPL Coins involved refactoring the project, such as restructuring directories, simplifying components, removing duplicate code, and creating more reusable components for a smoother workflow. Additionally, I implemented a new design and created new features. One of the exciting features was adding a social platform to their existing marketplace. It was an interesting and unique idea to differentiate from their competitors, and I had a lot of fun implementing it. This included creating user profiles, customizable settings, a social page where users could interact with each other, and a live chat reminiscent of Twitch streaming chat. It was definitely a cool addition to a crypto trading platform.

ecosio GmbH

ecosio GmbH-img
I had the privilege of working at ecosio GmbH, where we offered exceptional EDI and e-invoicing software solutions as a service. My journey with ecosio began in 2017, initially with simple tasks like adding content and enhancing the visual appeal of their website. It was an enjoyable experience as I had the freedom to express my creativity since no designer was involved at the time. Infusing the website with my personal touch was always fun. As time went on, I became a valuable member of the frontend team, contributing to the development of their first supplier relationship management tool. However, the most exciting project I worked on was the creation of the EDI monitor tool, which boasted captivating animated graphs. I take great pride in having developed this tool, as it effectively visualizes all EDI traffic for their customers. As my responsibilities grew, I found myself involved in additional tasks such as maintaining internal React component libraries, building a theme switch tool for our customers, and implementing a localization tool. ecosio not only provided me with my first job as a developer, but also offered me a platform to learn and grow. I am immensely grateful for the years I spent at ecosio, as they have played a pivotal role in shaping my career as a developer.
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